Adult Tuition Schedule
Term 1st Month* Monthly Rate Paid in Full Rate
3 Months $350
6 Months $150 $95 $565
1 Year $150 $90 $1,040
2 Year $150 $85 $1,955
3 Year $150 $80 $2,750
Child Tuition Schedule
Term 1st Month* Monthly Rate Paid in Full Rate
3 Months $325
6 Months $150 $85 $525
1 Year $150 $80 $940
2 Year $150 $75 $1,735
3 Year $150 $70 $2,410
* 1st Month payment includes tuition for the 1st month, uniform (shirt and pants), and registration fee.
* Additional immediate family members will receive a 30% discount for the second family member and 40% discount for each additional member.